Daliborek fajtiszta világa - közösségi dokumentumfilm vetítés

2018. november 16.

Svět podle Daliborka (Daliborek fajtiszta világa)
r.: Vít Klusák, cseh dokumentum-tragikomédia, 2017
105 perc, magyar felirattal
Közösségi filmvetítés és élmény megbeszélés a Tintában
Kinedok, KINOdomino


03. november 18. TINTA SOCIAL

Hurray! Mara Jade in the room again! Never easy to classify this young but original Czech guitar based band, we loved them so much last April! Followers are also freshminded guys, Miskolcian boyband called Daruk, soo punky 


27. 10. 2018.  

Feel welcome to our next show, hosted by two guitar based lovely bands from Debrecen and Graz, beautiful vocals expected as well as alter/garage melodies


2018. október 12., péntek, 20:00–1:00

im telling You its horribly hard, so its Your responsibility to come and survive. Remetemen presents a kind of hard hitting long range punishment live! Then from the near North we have Kragrowargkomn, a crazy experimental bassist who promises to grind Your mind! We can go even deeper with Dj Elvis's industrial techno melody jukebox.




TINTA Social
25. september 18. 20:30–23:44

Welcome on stage two great bands on a beautiful Tuesday night at tinta! order of appearance is:
Our loved homeboys, pre-legendary Kabin now became a quartet. a gentle headbang is guaranteed listening their new songs.

Then three fantastic men from France play something we never heared before. TOC's genre is colorful as hell.. Free hypnotic pop punk, post-rock, jazz-core … Disturbing, orgiastic and communicative, Toc is unclassifiable, but shakes the feet and heads.




13. 07. 18., 17:00–22:00

Lovely small gathering for beer lovers! Enthusiast home brewers meet in our living room introducing methods, ingredients and mainly attitude. bring Your beer or just Your dry throat, beersnack by the house!!


Along The Creek duo
07.07.18. 19.00 - Medvetalp Bistro

And again! something compeletly different! For the very first time please welcome on stage Along The Creek duo at Bearsole bar in Lillafüred!! Originally played south US traditional music in a country-bluegrass- nashville mood. banjo and guitar on the knees! You miss it You are a fool! For location enquires pls contact me or medvetalp fb..












XFnX Emerge
23 06 18 20:00–23:59

Emerge is back and introduces us his dear comrade, XFnX! Strart train Your ears for massive noiz








VI. Utánam Srácok Fesztivál a tINTÁBAN
05.26 - SZOMBAT

16:30 – MAG x meghívott vendégek beszélgetés: Grabovsky, FPS, Desszertem
18:00 – MŰÚT felolvasás és lapszámbemutató: Kishonthy Zsolt, Jenei László, Zemlényi Attila
20:00-22:30 kineDOK - KINOdomino bemutatja, majd a közönség megvitatja, Katia Bernardi legalább annyira szórakoztató, mint elgondolkodtató dokumentumfilmjét:
Funne - Lányok, kik a tengerről álmodnak (Le ragazze che sognavano il mare), 2017, 80p. olasz nyelven, magyar felirattal




2018. február 2.
, 21:00–0:00
23h-Királyi Papság

Királyi Papság hagyományőrző elektro, Oreho experimentál gitár és Remetemen teljesen öncélú elektronika.

Royal Hungarian Noizemakers and Stigmatic Destruction
Tinta di Soziale
05. 01. 18. 20:00–23:55

Next friday You will have Royal Hungarian Noizemakers and Stigmatic Destruction duos from BP. Great start for '18 to listen some heavy stuff rather than stupid partiing. 


The Royal Hungarian Noisemakers were formed in 2015 (perhaps the most chaotic year of the 21st century) to reflect the sound of the times and the Hungarian National Noise traditions. It questions the remarkable European spirit.

God is dead. As the Ancient ones fell with the pounding of thunder in our minds now you can hear it again only louder !

Gott ist Tot Viva la Royz !?


Our focus on the linearity of some instrument objects based on mechanical optic-physical laws. These are DIY musical instruments by Géza Pénzes & Nándor Maller. We've modified the output signal to the ritual vortex during the music.
We are the gods of the lambs! The unseen substance manifests itself in the darkness of the instinct by us. The seeds of Lucifer's doubt sink into the euphoria of the mud by us.
We dream of getting home while we fall to the bottom of the flatness of moldy walls.
our evening prayer is: only man can give birth to a god for the throne.

15. december 17. 20:00–23:58

A lovely trio plays Your head off in a ten-day-time. Kösz Vitya (cca. cheers vic!) is a quite fresh Budapestian band. Genre is a sort of noise pop mixed with garage attitude. They're mostly known in Budapest's underground style dark holes. feel free to donate the event!


01. december 17. 21.00-24.00

Local heroes in the living room, finally. 21-year-old Büdösök trio brings You a stinky show. Links below are to make You disgusted in advance



18. november 17. 21.00-24.00

Newest guests from Graz plays You Saturday night, check out the links below! Donation as usual or if You rich enough, You can get a unique tinta bag!


Slow Slow Loris duo
17. november 17. 20.00-24.00

We proudly present to miskolc qualified ears Slow Slow Loris duo from West Germany. Any and G6PD will create an experimental & noisy atmosphere. It will be shocking in a good way. Original and artistic building of sounds will give You a good travel in- and outside.
donation is welcome _1.5 matthias note


2017. november 10. 20.00-0.00

Az Elszáll, mint a füst, 
R.:Robert Kirchhoff, Filip Remunda
2015, Szlovákia, 83 perc

A KineDOK program segítségével hozzánk került dokumentumfilm három idősödő jazz-zenész, Laco a trombitás, Ľubomír, a szakszofonos, és Ján a nagybőgős történeteit fűzi össze. Annak idején a szovjetek által megszállt Csehszlovákiából menekültek Nyugatra, ahol együtt tündököltek a világ leghíresebb zenészeivel. A mai napig ezeknek a fényes időknek az emlékéből táplálkoznak és arról faggatják egymást hogy mi értelme volt az egésznek egyáltalán.
A vetítést pontosan este 8-kor kezdjük a Tintában, hogy a film után beszélgetni és táncolni is legyen idő, hiszen felpörögnek majd a jazz lemezek.

20. 10. 2017. 17.0023.59

Hot chili event presented by Zsolt Jakab, the master of The Fruit. We also have Döme, the other master of home made Vegetarian style burgers . Music hosted by Serguei Sopas from Mongolia

13. 10. 17. 21:00–1:00

Possibly the biggest boom is under organizing at Your little club on 13th Friday. We are fuc...g lucky and honoured t o have the two bands in Miskolc. Check the links below. donation is welcome at door.

Wild Arrows: 
Ette Enaka:

29. 09. 2017. 21.00- 02.00

2 brand new friends come to tinta in a 10-day time. Nikolas List touring world wide with his unique experimental show, the video below makes his art some clear. Nik's show is followed by királyiPAPság with a strong electro live act. Please note, that Royal Hungarian Noizmakers performance is postponed!



16.09.17. 21.00

After last weeks' broken one, here comes a full length gig by our home grown club keepers. Fed up with films? Sit down and listen! Easy mood.