Parnepar / HR
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26. november 24.
Parnepar, known for their noisy post-punk that sometimes borders on hardcore, are practically regulars at Tinta. All you have to do is head to your usual spot and get ready for a sonic journey and some serious dancing. Since this is likely to be the last concert at Tinta Kultúrgarázs this year, you definitely don't want to miss it. As always, please arrive fresh, arrive on time, and don't forget to support the band, so make sure you can drop some cash to their box!
Dury Dava I pszichedelikus rock (gr)
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Tinta KultúrGarázs
6. 11. 24. 20.00
A few days after All Saints' Day, when autumn's darkest month has truly arrived and even the laziest of us have turned off the garden taps, Dury Dava from Athens will bring us a taste of the Mediterranean at the Tinta KultúrGarázs. This psychedelic rock band from Greece is guaranteed to conjure up the Acropolis in Kisavas. All you have to do is make a pilgrimage to the usual place, the main hall of the Tinta headquarters this Saturday evening.Get ready for a one-of-a-kind musical experience! This five-piece band is bringing together the best of Greek and Turkish traditional music with kraut and psych rock. So you most definitely won't want to miss this.
Interstellar Bungalow koncert (AU)
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24.10.18. 20.00-
Zsolcai sor 164., Miskolc, Hungary, 3530
Helyszínváltozás: a Grazból Budapest érintésével érkező osztrák trió, az Interstellar Bungalow koncertje már a Tinta Egyesület Garázs Műhelyében lesz megtartva! A helyszínt mindenki ismeri, aki meg mégsem, az keresse a Zsolcai Sor 164-et. (Közvetlenül a creepy palacsintaház utáni első beugró balra). A cozy lo-fi garázs rockban utazó zenekar koncertje elvileg a szabadtéri, Zugivós koncertsorozat idei végét is jelentik, ugyanakkor egyben valaminek a kezdetét is. A tervek szerint a zordabb téli időszakban a Tinta főhadiszállás ad majd helyt a következő programoknak, részletek hamarosan!
Interstellar Bungalow koncert (AU)
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18.10.24. 20.00-
Zsolcai sor 164., Miskolc
Venue Change: The Austrian trio, Interstellar Bungalow, is now playing at the Tinta Association's Garage Workshop! You all know the place, but if not, look for Zsolcai sor 164. (Immediately to the left of the first driveway after the creepy pancake house). This cozy lo-fi garage rock band's concert will mark the end of this year's open-air concert series at Zugivó, but it's also the beginning of something new. According to our plans, the Tinta headquarters will host the next events during the harsher winter months. More details soon!
Twin Noir (DE)
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